psp魔法飞球-Choosing to be special instead of unique should come with a warning

  发布时间:2024-09-20 13:44:50   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
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close Dems no longer look at people as unique but as part of a group: Greg GutfeldVideo

Dems no longer look at people as unique but as part of a group: Greg Gutfeld

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld gives his take on the difference between being unique and special on ‘Gutfeld!’

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So, it's amazing how far Kamala Harris has come since she entered the race, given that she's done nothing. Instead of hiding in the basement, she's hiding behind Megan Thee Stallion's butt. Hell, her husband has answered more questions about banging his nanny, but Harris hasn't changed. She's the same Kamala no one voted for. Now, three weeks ago, Trump was nearly killed and two weeks before that, Trump had exposed the biggest political scandal ever-- that the Democrat government had covered up the president's dementia, putting our country in jeopardy while assuring Harris' nomination.


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